The Pirate from the Stars Book 1- Renegade by Cheree Alsop

The Pirate from the Stars Book 1- Renegade by Cheree Alsop

Author:Cheree Alsop
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: romance, adventure, action, space opera, pirate, star trek, star wars
Publisher: Cheree Alsop

Chapter Ten

Gage took a seat next to Manax. “Head out and keep in contact with the Terrarians. If someone’s watching them, which it sounds like must be the case, we want to keep it nice and casual. Make it seem like a routine visit.”

“Yes Cap,” Manax replied as he maneuvered the Gull away from the SS Kratos.

Gage left the pilot and joined his ground crew. “We don’t know the situation on Tanus yet. This could be a general TL3 pickup, or we could be stepping into an all-out war for the biggest Trilithanium mining planet in the Macrocosm. It wouldn’t be the first time the Terrarians have been overrun. We’re just going to check it out for now.”

“What if the Coalition’s there?” Vinian asked.

“Then we’ll hightail it back to the Kratos and let them eat our exhaust when we blast our way out to the Fingers Nebula,” Gage replied.

“Just a reminder,” Manax called over his shoulder. “We’re running short on TL3 pods, hence the visit to Tanus. We used up the last one getting here. Our AB drive isn’t going to function without them.”

“Alright,” Gage corrected. “We’re going to check out what’s going on below, and if there is a war, we’ll grab a few pods on our way out if we’re lucky.”

“And if not?” Suye asked.

“Then we’ll fight our way out because that’s what we’re good at,” Gage replied.

His ground crew cheered.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Vinian said with a deep chuckle. “It’s been a while since we’ve had a good fight.” He touched his nose in the Darfian signal for sarcasm. “Ketulans don’t count. Get me near another one of those godless machines, and I’ll tear it apart with my bare hands. Teach it not to mangle our captain or crew.”

“Yeah,” Ruck agreed. She pulled out her pistol and spun it on one finger. “Let me at them!”

“Whoa!” Yukan and Vinian said at the same time.

“Save it for the Ketulans,” Gage told her.

She nodded and put it back in the holster at her waist. It was clear by the fidgeting of her fingers that she would rather hold the weapon than not.

“Did you know the AB drive isn’t called that because it propels the ship from point A to point B at speeds faster than light as most believe?” Ruck said.

Yukan decided to humor her. “Then why is it called that?”

“Because the concept came from a theoretical physicist named Alcubierre who determined that faster-than-light travel works when the space around the object shifts rather than the object itself.”

“Why do you fill your head with unimportant facts?” Vinian asked.

“It’s better than not having anything in my head like you,” Ruck shot back.

“She got you!” Suye said.

“Captain,” Manax called.

Gage moved back to the co-pilot seat. He was about to ask the Amphibite what was wrong when he glanced out the window. He froze with his mouth open.

They were inside the pressurized loading tunnel of Tanus. The airlock bubble that surrounded the opening let ships in and out while still keeping the atmosphere inside.


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